Charruau P.*, Jácome-Flores M. and Hernández Chávez F. R. M. Under review. Reproduction of captive furrowed wood turtles (Rhinoclemmys areolata) in Quintana Roo, México.
Miguel Moreno, M. E. Jácome-Flores*, Pedro Jordano, Gemma Calvo and Jose M. Fedriani. In preparation. Relation between pollination success and occupancy patterns in a highly specialized pollination system.
Faustino, I. A. T., MacGregor-Fors, I., Jácome-Flores, M., Guevara, R., Villegas-Patraca, R., & Dáttilo, W. 2024. Disentangling the complexity of plant-bird relationships: From monolayer to multilayer network perspectives. Food Webs, e00359.
Isla J.*, Jácome-Flores M.E., Rigueiro C., Arroyo J. M., Jordano P. and García C. 2024. Animal-mediated seed dispersal and the demo-genetic configuration across plant colonization gradients. Journal of Ecology.
Hernández S.*, López-Medellín X. and Jácome-Flores M. 2024. Percepciones sobre los murciélagos y el servicio ecosistémico de dispersión de semillas en el ejido El Bejucal, Tabasco, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana.
Jácome-Flores M., Popoca-Cruz P. E. and Sanaphre-Villanueva L.*2023. Not only biology matters: socioeconomic factors change land prioritization for restoration. Restoration Ecology
Isla J., Jácome-Flores M.E., Arroyo J.M. And Jordano P. 2023. The turnover of plant-frugivore interactions along plant range expansion: consequences for natural colonisation processes. Proceedings of the royal Society B
García-Morales R., Jácome-Flores, M.E., Hernández S. y Pérez Netzahual E. 2022. Nuevos registros de Vampyrodes major (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) para Tabasco, México. Mammalogy Notes.
Isla, J.*, Jácome-Flores M., Pareja D. and Jordano P. 2022. Drivers of individual-based, antagonistic interaction networks during plant range expansion. Journal of Ecology.
Munguía-Rosas M.* and Jácome-Flores M. 2020. Reproductive isolation between wild and domesticated chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) in sympatry. Plant Biology.
Jácome-Flores M. E.*, Jordano P. Delibes M. and Fedriani J. M. 2020. Interaction motifs variability in a Mediterranean palm under environmental disturbances: the mutualism-antagonism continuum. Oikos.
Munguía-Rosas, M. A.*, Jácome-Flores M. E., Bello-Bedoy R., Solís-Montero V. and Ochoa-Estrada E. 2019. Morphological divergence between wild and cultivated chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.
Jácome-Flores M. E.*, Delibes M., Calvo G. and Fedriani J. M. 2019. Effects of density, plant aggregation and spatial genetic structure on pollination success of a nursery-pollinated plant. International Journal of Plant Science.
Jácome-Flores M. E.*, Delibes M., Wiegand T. and Fedriani J. M. 2018. Spatio- temporal arrangement of Chamaerops humilis inflorescences and occupancy patterns by its nursery pollinator, Derelomus chamaeropsis. Annals of Botany. 121(3): 4549-469.
Jácome-Flores M. E., Delibes M., Wiegand T. and Fedriani J. M. 2016. Spatial pattern of an endemic Mediterranean palm at its colonization front. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2504
José M. Fedriani, Wiegand Thorsten, Calvo Gemma; Suárez-Esteban Alberto, Jácome-Flores Miguel, Żywiec Magdalena & Delibes Miguel. 2015. Unraveling conflicting density and distance dependent effects on plant reproduction using a spatially explicit approach. Journal of Ecology. 103 - 5, pp. 1344 - 1353. 2015.
Jácome-Flores, M. E., Blázquez, M. C., Sosa, V. J., & Maya, Y. 2015. Type of soil and temperature range explains the preferred habitat and current distribution of the endemic lizard Aspidoscelis hyperythra in southern Baja California peninsula. Journal of Arid Environments, 113, 126–133. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2014.10.008
Clavero, M., Adrados, B., Calzada, J., & Jácome-Flores, M. 2014. On the presence of Petromyzon marinus in Oued Moulouya (Morocco). Cybium. 38(1), 307–308.
Munguía-Rosas MA , Jácome-Flores ME, Sosa V, Quiroz-Cerón ML. 2009. Removal of Pilosocereus leucocephalus (Cactaceae, tribe Cereae) seeds by ants and their potential role as primary seed dispersers. Journal of Arid Environments 73: 578-581. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2008.12.017
Munguía-Rosas MA, Sosa VJ, Jácome-Flores ME. 2009. Pollination system of the Pilosocereus leucocephalus (Cactaceae, tribe, Cereae) in eastern Mexico. Plant Biology. doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2009.00254.x
Book chapters and technical reports
Alcudia-Aguilar, A., Popoca-Cruz, P. E., Madrigal-Gómez, J.M., Jácome-Flores, M.E., Sanaphre-Villanueva, L., Medrano-Pérez, O. R. 2024. Evaluación del efecto isla de calor urbano y sus implicaciones en la vulnerabilidad social en Villahermosa, Tabasco, México. En: libro “Avances en el estudio de islas de calor urbano en América Latina”, editado por Ruhr Universität Bochum, UGto y UNAM.
Jácome-Flores M.E. 2021.Technical report for call 2019-05 for the development of the proposal PRONAII Sustainability of Socioecological Systems: “Productive and ecological restoration of biodiversity and its ecosystem services for the development and well-being of the population in the Usumacinta River basin / Restauración productiva y ecológica de la biodiversidad y sus servicios ecosistémicos para el desarrollo y el bienestar de la población en la cuenca del Río Usumacinta”.
Popular Science
Nestor Perez Mendez; Carlos Camacho; Ester Polaina; R. Rodriguez; Pablo Gonzalez Moreno; D. Pastor Beviá; Jesus Hernandez Pliego; Jesus Gomez; Noa Gonzalez Borrajo; Martina Ferraguti; Alvaro Dugo Cota; Elena Marmesat; M. E. Jácome Flores; Ana Montero Castaño; Marcello D’Amico; M. C. Rodriguez Rodríguez; J. L. Gilarranz; Carolina Soto Navarro. 2014. A pathway from local to international: Open research lines in Doñana Biological Station. Quercus. 343, pp. 52 - 60.
Gemma Calvo, Miguel Jácome, Miguel Delibes y José María Fedriani.2017. Efecto del fuego en los ecosistemas mediterráneos. El palmito, su gorgojo y un incendio en Doñana. Quercus.