Jácome-Flores M.E. Programa de Difusión y Divulgación Científica de la UJAT/ UJAT's Scientific Dissemination and Divulgation Program. 25 de octubre 2023. https://youtu.be/kv3luhy24uw?si=UEK0onrhWZ_CqrA7
Jácome-Flores M.E. I Jornadas de Diplomacia Científica en América/I Conference on Scientific Diplomacy in the Americas. Round table: Towards a more inclusive and diverse science in the Americas. Conference: Políticas de igualdad de género en ciencia en México/Gender equity policies in science in Mexico. Centro Cultural de España en México. 1-2 de junio de 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqV7NtKuH5M
Jácome-Flores, M. Pint of science Mexico. Conference: Vulnerabilidad de la biodiversidad mexicana ante el cambio climático/ Vulnerability of Mexican biodiversity to climate change. 23 de mayo de 2023
Jácome-Flores M.E. Institutional seminar. Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad: Perspectivas desde México/ Climate Change and Biodiversity: Perspectives from Mexico. Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad. 22 de mayo 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3-aoURTT0I&t=1s
Jácome-Flores, M. Seminarios estudiantes de Bachillerato-Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. Conference: Vulnerabilidad de la biodiversidad mexicana ante el cambio climático. 1 de deciembre 2022
Jácome Flores, Miguel. “Redes de interacción ecológica murciélago-planta en un mundo cambiante” en el club virtual: “Navegando en la lectura”, dentro del marco del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente. 03 de junio de 2021
Jácome Flores, Miguel. Juez del área 5 - Ciencias Ambientales de la Feria PAUTA Chiapas 2021.
Jácome Flores, Miguel. Entrevista de radio: Restauración ecológica Cuenca del Río Usumacinta. Programa de Radio " Investigadores por el Mundo" presentado y dirigido por Antonio G. Armas, número 97, que se emitió en directo el martes 03/11 en Libertad FM de 20 a 21 horas. Noviembre 2020.
Jácome Flores, Miguel. Ponencia: ¿Cómo se modifican las redes de interacción murciérlago-planta en un paisaje tropical dominado por actividades huma. Universidad Tecmilenio. 16 de octubre de 2020.
Jácome Flores, Miguel. Mesa redonda: Mujeres en la ciencia. Tecmilenio. 2019
Elena Gómez-Díaz*, Maria Lucena y Miguel Jácome. Acoso sexual en ciencia. 2018. Eldiario.es. Url:
Jácome-Flores M.E and Polaina E. Ciudad Ciencia 2015. Almonte, España. Presentación oral: “Doñana: Conocer para conservar”.
Jácome-Flores M.E., Ester Polaina, Rosa Arribas, Miyuki Macias, Álvaro Dugo Cota, Carlos Camacho, Néstor Pérez. 50 aniversario de la Estación Biológica de Doñana 2014. Sevilla, España. Presentación oral: “Medio siglo conociendo Doñana”.
2024. Lecture: Ecological restoration in Mexico. Workshop Level I: Global change and vulnerability UNAM. Mexico City
2024. Lecture: Effects of global change on ecological interactions. Workshop Level II: Spatial, population spatial, population and conservation ecology of marine and terrestrial mammals. UNAM. Mexico City
2024. Postgraduate course: Vulnerabilidad y respuesta al cambio global/Vulnerability and response to global change. Posgrado Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad UNAM. Mexico City
2024. Lecture: Prioritisation of areas for ecological restoration in the Grijalva-Usumacinta watersheds (Mexico). Master's degree in geomatics, remote sensing and spatial modelling applied to forest management forestry.
2023. Lecture: Bat-plant ecological interaction networks in degraded riparian environments. Course Biotic Interactions in Communities in the Master Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution of the Université de Bordeaux
2023. Postgraduate course: Vulnerabilidad y respuesta al cambio global/Vulnerability and response to global change. Posgrado Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad UNAM. Mexico City
2022. Diploma course: Cambio Global y Sustentabilidad en el Trópico Húmedo de México/ Global Change and Sustainability in Mexico's Humid Tropics. Course: Ecological restoration in Mexico.Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad, A. C. Villahermosa, Tabasco
2019. Diploma course: Sustentabilidad y Territorios: Políticas públicas en el sureste mexicano/ Sustainability and Territories: Public Policies in the Mexican Southeast. Course: Basic Concepts in Ecology. Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad, A. C. Villahermosa, Tabasco
2017. Field ecology techniques professor.Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados. Mérida, Yucatán, México.
Isla J., García C., Jácome M., Rigueiro C., Arroyo J.M., Jordano P. VI Congreso Nacional de la AEET/ XVI AEET National Congress. Seeds and maternal progenies distribution patterns of an animal-dispersed plant across an expansion gradient. Universidad de Almería, Almería, España. Ocotber 16-20th, 2023 Co-author
Jácome-Flores M.E., Popoca-Cruz P.E. and Sanaphre Villanueva L. XVI Congreso Nacional de la AEET/ XVI AEET National Congress. Priority areas for restoration ecology in the highly biodiverse and severely deteriorated Grijalva-Usumacinta rivers basin. Universidad de Almería, Almería, España. Ocotber 16-20th, 2023 Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E. XI Encuentro Regional Sur Sureste De Jóvenes Ante El Cambio Climático / XI South Southeast Regional Youth Climate Change Conference. Instituto Tencológico de Centla. October 25th, 2022.
Keynote speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E. XIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación en UVM / XIII International Research Congress at UVM. Los impactos del cambio global en Tabasco, Mexico/ The impacts of global change in Tabasco, Mexico. October 6-8th, 2022. Speaker
Hernández-Rodríguez S., Jácome Flores M. and López Medellín X. V Simposio Diversidad Vegetal En Mesoamerica y El Caribe/ V Symposium Plant Diversity In Mesoamerica And The Caribbean. Redes de dispersión de semillas por murciélagos en cuatro sitios con diferente grado de perturbación en El Bejucal, Tabasco/ Seed dispersal networks by bats in four sites with different degrees of disturbance in El Bejucal, Tabasco. September 16th. Co-author
Jácome-Flores M.E. PhD Program in Integrated Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Seville. Oral presentation: Ecological restoration in Mexico: the history of the Usumacinta River. June 2nd, 2022. Speaker.
Jácome-Flores M.E. Spring 2022 Seminar Series. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo - Postgraduate in Animal Production. Oral presentation: "Restoring the Usumacinta River Basin". March 16th, 2022. Speaker
Jácome-Flores, M., García-Morales, R. Roa Fuentes, L., de la Cruz-Burelo F., Santiago-Plata, V. VII National Congress of Native Fauna in Anthropized Environments. Oral presentation: Bat-plant ecological interaction networks in degraded riparian environments. September 1-3, 2021. Speaker
Isla Escudero J., Jácome-Flores M. E., Pareja Bonilla D. and Jordano P. V. Frugivores and Seed Dispersal Conference 2020. Corbett Lanscape, India. Oral presentation: "Seed dispersal by animal frugivores and range expansion in plants: a multilayer network approach". March 2-6, 2020. Co-author
Jácome-Flores M. E., García-Morales R., Lisseth Roa L., de la Cruz-Burelo F. and Santiago-Plata V. Congress of the Spanish Society for the Conservation and Studies of Mammals (SECEM) 2019. Jaca, Spain. Oral presentation: "Structure of neotropical bat-mediated seed dispersal networks in a tropical landscape dominated by human activities". December 5-8.
Munguía-Rosas, M. A., Jácome-Flores M. E., Bello-Bedoy R., Solís-Montero V. 2019. XXI Mexican Congress of Botany. Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes. Poster: October 20-25. Co-author
Arriaga-Jiménez A. and Jácome-Flores M. IV Meeting of Formicidae of Mexico. 2019. Xalapa, Mexico. Poster: "Mutualistic interaction between ants and cacti on islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico". June 10-11. Co-author
Jácome-Flores M. Seminarios Institucionales del Instituto de Ecología A. C. 2019. Xalapa, Mexico. Oral presentation: "Interaction motives and dispersal effectiveness in historically disturbed plant populations". May 15. Speaker
Ayala R., Blázquez M. C., Arnaud G., Ortega-Rubio A. and Jácome-Flores M. 19th Baja California Sur Postgraduate Week. 2019. Poster: "Plant-animal interaction and microhabitat use of Dipsosaurus dorsalis in two tropical desert habitats". April 8-12. Co-author
Jácome-Flores M. E.; Miguel Delibes; J. M. Fedriani. Congress of the Spanish Society for the Conservation and Studies of Mammals (SECEM) 2017. Guadalajara, Spain. Oral presentation: "Individual interaction networks of a Mediterranean palm tree and its frugivorous mammals". December 5-9. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M. E. Ciclo de Seminarios del dpto. de Ecología Humana CINVESTAV 2017. Merida, Mexico. Oral presentation: "Individual interaction networks of a Mediterranean palm tree and its frugivorous mammals". In different situations of environmental disturbance. June 9. Speaker
Jácome- Flores M. E. XIV ECOFLOR 2017. Oral presentation: "Inequalities in visit frequency and fruit harvesting of a Mediterranean palm by functionally different frugivorous mammals". January 30-31. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M. E.; Miguel Delibes; Gemma Calvo García; J. M. Fedriani. Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudios de los Mamíferos (SECEM) 2015. Burgos, Spain. Oral Presentation: Plants’ aggregation effect over fruits consumption and visits frequency by mammals in a Mediterranean palm. December 4th-7th. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E.XII ECOFLOR 2015. Cádiz, Spain. Oral Presentation: Where and when can we found the Derelomus chamaeropsis larvae? February 6th-7th. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E.XI ECOFLOR 2014. Cádiz, Spain. Oral Presentation: Pollen’s origin effect over dwarf palm (Chamaerops humilis) fruit set. January 31st- February 1st. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E.Mexican Science and Technology Council. European Symposium 2013. Oral Presentation: Scale-dependent ‘Allee effects’ in small populations of Mediterranean shrubs: is beneficial to have even family as neighbors? Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E.X ECOFLOR 2013. Seville, Spain. Oral Presentation: Colonization of Chamaerops humilis by the pollinator weevil Derelomus chamaeropsis: an explicit spatial analysis. January 31st- February 1st. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E.Doñana Biological Station institutional seminar 2013. Seville, Spain. Oral Presentation: Allee effects’ in small populations of dwarf palms: is beneficial to have even family as neighbors?. October 10th. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E.Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste institutional seminar 2010. Baja California Sur, Mexico. Oral Presentation: Spatial model to predict whiptail lizard’s (Aspidoscelis hyperythra) distributionpatterns in Baja California Sur, México. Speaker
Jácome-Flores M.E., M. Blázquez Moreno, Y. Maya Delgado y V. Sosa Fernández. 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Conservation for a Changing Planet. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Oral Presentation: Spatial model to predict whiptail lizard’s (Aspidoscelis hyperythra) distribution patterns in Baja California Sur, México. Speaker